Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Melodies That Touch The Soul

Music is a sensation; it's a form of expression. It releases stress. It is some people's way of communicating the love language of the heart. And it is form of art and it has multiple elements or rythm, melody, harmony, and my favorite color. Just hearing the sweet, pleasing, or harmonious sounds of a song can change my whole attitude. I have had a lost of stress lately with life and a dear friend who is a blessing to my soul showed me to what is now my favorite place on this campus. It is now the home to my sould and it brings me to some of my most vulnerable moments. I love to get away from people and just be with the Lord and I have been brought to a piano. It really brings me to my face with the Lord. It allows me to have wordless converations with the Lord. He can read my heart and I can play the melodies and the harmonies of my soul through hurt, sadness, anger and happiness. It is my form of expression and praise to God my father. The Lord gave me my ear for the piano and I am so greatful. I truly believe that when I sit down at the piano and just give myself unto the Lord that He brings out my songs and HE is my melody. ( i love that). Yesterday I completely lost myself in the music and just played. He gave me the sweetest melody of His heart. This place is now my getaway and it describes His love for me, and His willingness to hold my world all together. I have come to love the piano more than ever and I love just sitting there and playing with the keys and chords. I recorded a video because I can't always remember what I play and it is dark because it is late at night and it was in the chapel and I don't know how to turn the big lights on. But I hope you enjoy this and I am a little vulnerable to share becaue I normally keep this to myself even from family. But the Lord layed it on my heart this evening to share a hidden side of my heart. The only way I could take it off of my cyberlink cam is to upload it youtube.


Anonymous said...

you have no idea.
i love you.
thank you

Amanda said...

Amy. I just love you.

Annie said...

That's beautiful! I love you, little sister

Anonymous said...

Amy, I am truly amazed at the woman God is shaping you to be! Your music brought me to tears! You are a beautiful woman Amy!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't hide your talents from your family and friends. God gave you these gifts to share and bring happiness to others. Your have become an amazing young woman.

Anonymous said...

Amy, I have finally been able to hear and you know how I am one of your biggest fans and saw your love for music at a very young age! Who knows you better besides GOD! YOUR MOTHER!!!! I love you and look forward to hearing more! Have a wonderful day! Love, MOM